2006 Village and City Tax Rates for Cattaraugus County

MunicipalitySWIS Code Uniform %Tax Rate Number of Parcels Taxable Value Total Tax Levy
Allegany 042001 100 7.330000 742 $62,540,849 $458,424.72
Cattaraugus 046401 90 13.323835 516 $21,376,654 $284,818.97
Delevan 048401 22 11.000218 441 $6,746,749 $74,215.00
East Randolph (Conewango) 042801 77 8.256866 102 $3,640,243 $30,057.04
East Randolph (Randolph) 047603 100 8.335529 152 $6,696,755 $55,820.97
Ellicottville 043601 100 2.130000 543 $104,513,116 $222,613.34
Franklinville 044001 95 10.686232 781 $34,455,549 $368,200.08
Limestone 042401 90 11.107000 261 $9,364,336 $104,009.70
Little Valley 045401 95 10.686824 517 $21,172,521 $226,267.01
Olean (City) 041200 8.5 146.340686 6572 $39,140,735 $5,727,881.90
Perrysburg 047001 96 6.447387 189 $7,966,949 $51,365.98
Portville 047401 90 9.221510 439 $25,637,230 $236,413.99
Randolph 047601 100 7.754822 591 $34,517,361 $267,675.86
Salamanca (City) 041600 23 50.900580 2766 $20,412,632 $1,039,122.00
South Dayton 043001 100 11.440000 331 $12,600,053 $144,144.65

Cattaraugus County does not process the Village of Gowanda

Generated on March 31, 2025

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