2019 Village and City Tax Rates for Cattaraugus County

MunicipalitySWIS Code Uniform %Tax Rate Number of Parcels Taxable Value Total Tax Levy
Allegany 042001 100 7.812242 738 $75,034,029 $586,184.00
Cattaraugus 046401 62 19.672162 504 $21,106,272 $415,206.00
Delevan 048401 15 15.967251 436 $5,888,365 $94,021.00
Ellicottville 043601 99 2.009398 583 $132,888,495 $267,026.00
Franklinville 044001 64 13.599987 771 $31,611,942 $429,922.00
Little Valley 045401 68 16.384705 521 $18,916,361 $309,939.00
Olean (City) 041200 97 15.010101 6534 $486,264,615 $7,298,881.00
Portville 047401 93 10.047433 441 $27,580,376 $277,112.00
Salamanca (City) 041600 17 61.784917 2779 $15,844,439 $978,963.00
South Dayton 043001 100 10.100851 335 $15,821,439 $159,810.00

Cattaraugus County does not process the Village of Gowanda

Generated on March 31, 2025

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