2020 Village and City Tax Rates for Cattaraugus County

MunicipalitySWIS Code Uniform %Tax Rate Number of Parcels Taxable Value Total Tax Levy
Allegany 042001 100 7.809639 736 $74,852,378 $584,650.00
Cattaraugus 046401 59 19.856970 502 $20,979,787 $416,595.00
Delevan 048401 14.75 16.578986 437 $5,801,638 $96,192.00
Ellicottville 043601 97.5 2.031907 589 $134,045,009 $272,367.00
Franklinville 044001 61 13.817232 771 $31,655,680 $437,394.00
Little Valley 045401 64 16.701149 522 $18,900,077 $315,653.00
Olean (City) 041200 94 15.008446 6517 $483,494,158 $7,256,496.00
Portville 047401 94 10.211735 441 $27,567,890 $281,516.00
Salamanca (City) 041600 15.75 63.718108 2780 $15,281,747 $973,724.00
South Dayton 043001 100 10.354002 333 $15,743,090 $163,004.00

Cattaraugus County does not process the Village of Gowanda

Generated on March 31, 2025

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