
48 Municipalities

Allegany, Village of

SWIS Code: 042001In Town: Allegany, Town of

Allegany, Town of

SWIS Code: 042089

Ashford, Town of

SWIS Code: 042200

Carrollton, Town of

SWIS Code: 042400
On January 1, 2011, the Town of Carrollton had absorbed the Village of Limestone. The Town of Carrollton's SWIS Code was changed from 042489 to 042400.

Coldspring, Town of

SWIS Code: 042600

Conewango, Town of

SWIS Code: 042800
On January 1, 2012, the portion of the Village of East Randolph that was located in Conewango was dissolved. Also on this date, the SWIS Code was changed from 042889 to 042800.

Dayton, Town of

SWIS Code: 043089

Delevan, Village of

SWIS Code: 048401In Town: Yorkshire, Town of

East Otto, Town of

SWIS Code: 043200

East Randolph (Conewango), Village of

SWIS Code: 042801In Town: Conewango, Town of
On January 1, 2012, the Village of East Randolph was dissolved and the portion of the village that was located in the Town of Conewango is maintained by the Town of Conewango.

East Randolph (Randolph), Village of

SWIS Code: 047603In Town: Randolph, Town of
On January 1, 2012 the Village of East Randolph (in the Town of Randolph) was dissolved into the Town of Randolph.

Ellicottville, Town of

SWIS Code: 043689

Farmersville, Town of

SWIS Code: 043800

Franklinville, Town of

SWIS Code: 044089

Freedom, Town of

SWIS Code: 044200

Gowanda, Village of

SWIS Code: 047201In Town: Persia, Town of

Great Valley, Town of

SWIS Code: 044400

Hinsdale, Town of

SWIS Code: 044600

Humphrey, Town of

SWIS Code: 044800

Ischua, Town of

SWIS Code: 045000

Leon, Town of

SWIS Code: 045200

Limestone, Village of

SWIS Code: 042401In Town: Carrollton, Town of
The Village of Limestone was absorbed into the Town of Carrollton in 2011.

Little Valley, Town of

SWIS Code: 045489

Lyndon, Town of

SWIS Code: 045600

Machias, Town of

SWIS Code: 045800

Mansfield, Town of

SWIS Code: 046000

Napoli, Town of

SWIS Code: 046200

New Albion, Town of

SWIS Code: 046489

Olean (Town), Town of

SWIS Code: 046600

Otto, Town of

SWIS Code: 046800

Perrysburg, Village of

SWIS Code: 047001In Town: Perrysburg, Town of
On January 1, 2012, the Village of Perrysburg was dissolved.

Perrysburg, Town of

SWIS Code: 047000
On January 1, 2012, the Town of Perrysburg absorbed the Village of Perrysburg. The SWIS Code changed from 047089 to 047000.

Persia, Town of

SWIS Code: 047289

Portville, Town of

SWIS Code: 047489

Randolph, Village of

SWIS Code: 047601In Town: Randolph, Town of
On January 1, 2012, the Village of Randolph was dissolved.

Randolph, Town of

SWIS Code: 047600
On January 1, 2012, the Town of Randolph absorbed a portion of the Village of East Randolph and the Village of Randolph which in turn caused the SWIS Code to change from 047689 to 047600.

Red House, Town of

SWIS Code: 047800

Salamanca (Town), Town of

SWIS Code: 048000

South Valley, Town of

SWIS Code: 048200

Yorkshire, Town of

SWIS Code: 048489

Generated on March 31, 2025


Assessed Value
The estimated value of a property as determined by an assessor. Assessments NYS Dept. of Taxation & Finance.
Equalization Rate
Represents the average level of assessment in a community. Learn more on our Equalization Rates page.
The average of a bunch of numbers.
a value in an ordered set of values below and above which there is an equal number of values or which is the arithmetic mean of the two middle values if there is no one middle number. - Merriam-Webster
StateWide Information System Code - Learn about SWIS Codes on NYS Tax
Tax Rate
The amount of tax to be paid stylized as dollars per $1000.