2016 Village and City Tax Rates for Cattaraugus County

MunicipalitySWIS Code Uniform %Tax Rate Number of Parcels Taxable Value Total Tax Levy
Allegany 042001 100 8.215079 737 $69,993,239 $575,000.00
Cattaraugus 046401 72 19.457009 507 $21,556,294 $419,421.00
Delevan 048401 17.5 14.373263 444 $6,193,583 $89,022.00
Ellicottville 043601 100 1.900000 568 $125,090,973 $237,673.00
Franklinville 044001 72 12.944269 775 $32,831,806 $424,983.00
Little Valley 045401 71 15.294612 523 $19,139,681 $292,734.00
Olean (City) 041200 95 14.422891 6514 $489,448,616 $7,059,264.00
Portville 047401 100 9.465104 441 $28,254,570 $267,432.00
Salamanca (City) 041600 17 59.784917 2779 $16,632,365 $994,365.00
South Dayton 043001 75 12.910494 333 $12,576,590 $162,370.00

Cattaraugus County does not process the Village of Gowanda

Generated on March 31, 2025

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