Municipality: Town of Little Valley

SWIS Code: 045489

View contacts for Town of Little Valley

675 properties found for 2023. Please note that this number may be incorrect due to parcels that do not exist (better description needed).

Assessed Values in this municipality

Minimum assessed value: $100.00.

Maximum assessed value: $4,250,000.00.

Sum of assessed values: $42,900,782.00 for 675 properties.

Mean assessed value: $63,556.71.

Median assessed value $36,000.00.

School Districts that serve the Town of Little Valley

2 School Districts in this Municipality

Cattaraugus-Little Valley Central

Salamanca City Central

Equalization Rate: 48

If you are looking for further years back on Equalization Rate History for the Town of Little Valley please visit the Equalization Information tool on NYS Office of Real Property Tax Services.

Municipal Tax Rates

Please note that towns may not have rates listed below.

No rates are available!

More Taxes Items in this Municipality

Item Name Item Code Tax is for Tax Rate
Town 045489 - TOWN Town 11.826937
COUNTY 045400 - COUNTY Town 18.932968

2 Special Districts in this Municipality


View another Municipalities Tax Information

Generated on July 27, 2024


Assessed Value
The estimated value of a property as determined by an assessor. Assessed Values in NYS Tax.
Equalization Rate
The average of a bunch of numbers.
a value in an ordered set of values below and above which there is an equal number of values or which is the arithmetic mean of the two middle values if there is no one middle number. - Mirriam-Webster
Tax Rate