Estimated Taxes for Parcel Number 94.033-1-21 in the City of Olean (City) for 2012
Total Taxes = $1,673.84 for the year 2012
SCHOOL (Olean (City))
Previous 2011 Assessed Value: $33,000.00
2011 SCHOOL (Olean (City)) Rate: 23.677936
County(Olean (City))
Previous 2011 Assessed Value: $33,000.00
2012 County(Olean (City)) Rate: 7.944394
City(Olean (City))
Previous 2011 Assessed Value: $33,000.00
2012 City(Olean (City)) Rate: 14.488025
MEDICAID(Olean (City))
Previous 2011 Assessed Value: $33,000.00
2012 MEDICAID(Olean (City)) Rate: 4.612181
Total Taxes = $1,673.84 for the year 2012
Tax report generated on December 27, 2024 for Print Key = 09403300010210000000
In the year 2012, the City of Olean (City) had 6,545 properties with a Total Assessed Value of $749,262,648 with an average value of $114,479
See what would happen with taxes for this property by entering a different Assessed Value.
- Parcels that have been split / combined may not show all taxes!
- These figures are generated from the current tax rates and represent base taxes only!
- Exemptions, such as, back taxes, fees and interest are not included!
- If you reside in a city/town that is completing a revaluation, the total tax may not be accurate. This is because this tool uses ACTUAL tax rates from the previous year. The new tax rates for a reval city/town may be SIGNIFICANTLY different.
Tax changes occur 5 times per year in New York State.
- School Rates change on September 1 and use the most current assessed value.
- Town and County Rates change on January 1
- Village Tax Rates change on June 1
- City of Olean Tax Rates change on May 1
- City of Salamanca Tax Rates change on April 10
Assessor: Gregg Piechota 716-376-5630 , Hours: Monday - Friday 9AM - 5PM
Tax Collector: Cattaraugus County Treasurer Phone: 716-938-9111
School Tax Collector: Sara Williams
Phone: 716-375-8020