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General Information

All properties are updated daily excluding the Assessment which is once per year on May 1st.

The "Tax Calculator" can be used to find base tax amounts (excludes exemptions) for all parcels throughout the County.

The parcel boundary lines on the GIS map are updated on a Minute-by-Minute basis.

There is now a new form for requesting a change of address or name.

If you find any errors please email them to [email protected] 

Public Access:

Click Here for Public Access

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Image Mate Online is SDG’s commitment to provide Our Clients with easy access to real property information. SDG, with the cooperation of Cattaraugus County, provides access to RPS data, tax maps, and photographic images of properties.

Tax maps and images are rendered in many different formats. To properly view the tax maps and images contained within this system you will need to have the following plugins installed:

To view maps in Cattaraugus County you must have a version of Adobe Acrobat Reader installed. The current version is Adobe Reader DC and is available for download.To view maps in Cattaraugus County you must have a version of Adobe Acrobat Reader installed.  <b>The current version is Adobe Reader DC and is available for download.